How to deal with snails and slugs in the country: effective ways to protect the garden

It will not be a big discovery to say that snails and slugs are one of the most common pests in our summer cottages. There is nothing sacred for these harmful creatures: they can gnaw the leaves (especially of Peking cabbage), feed on fruits on branches (strawberries, cucumbers) and fallen fruits (for example, apples). They can even penetrate basements, where they can destroy all our winter stocks of vegetables.

It is very difficult to "butt" with this problem, and yet there are a number of drastic measures that will help to strike a blow on a large scale against the hordes of these vile and slimy pests.

Slugs and snails: what they look like and how they harm

Slugs are gastropods that look like snails but lack a shell. They are very fond of wet places, so they live where it is damp and where direct sunlight does not fall. The peak of activity of slugs occurs at nighttime. Snails, on the other hand, can be active during the day, because they have a protective shell.

In addition to the fact that these pests eat up the leaves, damage the berries and fruits, they also spoil everything, contaminating with their droppings and mucus.

By the way! Cabbage beds (especially Chinese cabbage) - most susceptible to attacks by slugs and snails. Although very often strawberries, as well as lettuce and peppers, suffer. In general, they just love juicy vegetables, berries and fruits.

By the way! Slugs can attack your plants not only outdoors, but indoors. In fact, you can get rid of mollusks in the greenhouse in the same ways that will be widely presented below.

Folk remedies for slugs and snails

There are a sufficient number of effective and safe folk ways to fight and destroy slugs and snails at their summer cottage. But in order to achieve the best result, use all the tools in the complex, including alternating their use.

Advice! The most overgrown areas of the garden are most often attacked by these pests, because the humidity is higher there. Therefore, to prevent their abundant appearance, do not thicken the planting, do not plant the plants too close.


Many gardeners successfully use the most common table salt against slugs, watering or filling the beds. But not all plants like this saline solution, although for some it is a good top dressing, for example, for beets.

Using a saline solution to bait slugs in a basement or cellar is quite another matter. Such a solution should be prepared in the following proportion: 1 glass of salt per 10 liters of water. Just spray the basement with a sprayer.

Mustard (mustard powder)

One of the most popular and effective means of fighting slugs is mustard powder, which you need to sprinkle on plants that have been attacked by pests. You can also add bitter pepper to the mustard powder.

Note! The product will work until the first rain or watering.

Video: mustard vs slugs

Wood ash

Wood ash It is often used as a potash plant feed, but it can also scare away slugs. The ash will stick to their slimy bodies and they will not be able to move.

And if you add to the ash baking soda, then the remedy will be even more effective. For 1 liter can of ash - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda.

You can add to the ash and tobacco duste.g. 1 to 1 or 2 to 1.

Or you can buy a ready-made mixture of tobacco and ash - Tabazol.

Important! However, there is one significant drawback: ash scattered around the garden with its impurities will work only in dry weather.

Egg shells and similar physical barriers

Slugs poorly overcome all kinds of obstacles and obstacles (they have a very delicate body, and sharp edges simply do not allow them to crawl), which can serve as mounds of crushed eggshell.

Shredded shells and nut shells are also suitable. Pine or spruce needles from the nearby forest can be used as a barrier.

Ammonia, vinegar, and baking soda

Spraying with ammonia, vinegar and baking soda helps to protect plants from snails and slugs. To prepare a solution, take 1 teaspoon of the product (vinegar is better to take 9%) and dissolve in 1 liter of water. Spray the plants from the top to the leaf and from the bottom.

Important! Do not overuse vinegar spraying as it can harm your garden plants. No more than once a week!


If you don't want to use chemistry, then the cheapest instant coffee is also suitable for fighting snails and slugs, the action of which is similar to the strongest chemicals (but coffee, unlike them, is safe). You can simply sprinkle the area around the plant, or make strong coffee and pour the soil next to the plant and the plant itself on the leaf, of course, with a chilled drink.

Video: coffee is a super remedy for slugs and snails

Copper wire

For another very interesting way to scare away slugs, you will need to take a copper wire, from which you will need to remove the insulation and tie around the plant. The slugs will not pass, and if they try, they will receive a kind of weak electric shock.


To scare away and get rid of slimy pests from garden beds, you can use sand, mulching your plantings with it. You can also sprinkle coffee pomace on top of the sand, or Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate).

Video: mulching beds with sand from slugs and snails

Mineral fertilizers and fungicides

The use of fertilizers and fungicides against slugs is not only pest and disease control, but also feeding for the beds.


Take a packet of superphosphate and spread the granules evenly over the garden. Of course, you should not expect a long-term effect, but slugs do not like it very much and are unlikely to appear on such a bed.

Copper sulfate

The use of copper sulphate together with sand shows high efficiency in the fight against snails.

Bordeaux liquid

In general, slugs do not tolerate copper and copper-containing preparations. Therefore, treating plants with Bordeaux liquid will help get rid of slugs.

Slug traps

You can not only scare away or destroy pests, but also catch them, and then do as you wish.

Beer trap.

If you didn't know before that slugs love beer, now you know.

Bury the cut bottle or some container (glass) so that it is flush with the ground and fill it with draft unfiltered beer. The slugs will creep on the inviting smell and simply drown ... happy.

Video: how to catch snails and slugs in a beer trap

Grilled meat

Another snail lure is fried meat, especially kebabs. For example, you can throw a fried chicken skin into a darkened place, and after 5-10 minutes the slugs will show up for a delicious smell.

Advice! Feeding slugs with beer and meat is an interesting idea, but it might still be worth keeping them for yourself and your holiday in the country.

Video: Meat Slug Trap

Shelter earth

Just spread old wood planks, slate, or cardboard around your garden area. At night, the slugs themselves will crawl under them, and in the morning you only need to collect and destroy them.

Natural enemies

Hedgehogs They love to eat slugs, so if such a forest pet has settled on your site, do not drive it out. Another natural enemy is ground beetle.

Video: how to protect the planting planting from slugs - folk methods of struggle

Chemicals against slugs and snails

The most popular chemicals for dealing with slugs and snails are:

  • "Thunderstorm";
  • "Slime Eater";
  • "Anti-sludge".

As a rule, all such anti-slugs and snails have the same active ingredient - metaldehyde.

Remember! Chemicals can be used no later than 3-4 weeks before harvest.

In order for slugs and snails to irrevocably leave the site of any summer resident, create conditions for them in which they would not be able to carry on their further life and perish. You have already learned how to do this correctly and competently. So, the choice is now yours!

Video: how to deal with slugs

1 Comment
  1. Nataliya :

    Some popular ways to fight snails can help if you can count these snails on your fingers. Collecting them under the boards is a real method. But when their number is measured by several hundred pieces daily, it starts to get very annoying. It is impossible to use chemistry with metaldehydes, because children, cats, dogs walk around the site. Since last year I have been using Ulicid - a Ukrainian remedy, since this year you can find it in our markets and on the Internet. The active ingredient is iron phosphate. I sprinkle granules (not poisonous !!!) once or twice a season in those places where these creatures usually live. Snails die overnight. Birds eat snails, and maybe pellets. But everyone is alive. Not a single bird died. I really recommend it!

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