Determinant tomatoes: what they are, the best undersized varieties for open ground and greenhouses

For a good harvest of such a valuable vegetable croplike tomaty, amateur vegetable growers are ready to go to great lengths. And yet the main condition for obtaining selected fruits that are not inferior in taste and yield is the correct choice of a variety of determinant or indeterminate tomatoes.

We will tell in our article about the differences and features of determinant varieties, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as about which are the best low-growing varieties that are most prevalent in summer cottages and backyards.

What are determinant tomatoes: their features, advantages and disadvantages

Important! Be sure to figure out what is the difference between determinant and indeterminate tomatoes, because the difference between these two types is significantly manifested in the agricultural technology of their cultivation.

Determinant tomato variety has growth restriction, in other words, over time it completely stops growing, so to speak,"Bends".

Worth knowing! "Determinant" comes from the Latin word determinatio - restriction.

Growth determinant tomatoes stops after laying 3-5 (in very rare cases - 6) flower brushes, the first of which is laid above 5-7 sheets, and all subsequent ones - every 1-2 sheets. Moreover, the latter is formed at the very top (therefore, they say "Bends"), and then the growth stops.

The finalthe height of such a bushremains within 60-150 cm.

Determinant tomato varieties are most often early, mid-early or mid-season and have enough long fruiting period, and relatively high yield.

Important! For common determinant varieties tomatoes (above 60 cm), as a rule,garter stems and removal of stepchildren are required.

Among the determinant varieties, one can also distinguish “superdeterminate". it undersized (30-60 cm high) compact varieties of tomatoes (they havegrowth ends after formation 3 flower brush), which are characterized by noticeably more early (5-10 days than just determinant) and amicable fruiting, but less prolonged and abundant.

Note! Superdeterminant (undersized) tomatoesmost often (but by no means always) do not require a garter and pinning.

Exactly superdeterminate (undersized) varieties best fit for open ground... Such tomatoes grow quickly (without spending too much time building up green mass, as indeterminate) and begin to give the crop as soon as possible, thereby eventually pumping its fruiting to active development late blight.

Low-growing varieties are ideal to grow in northern regionswhere cool climate, short summers, lots of rain.

They are especially popular among determinant low-growing varieties.standard varieties in which thickened short stem... It is these bushes, as a rule, do not require garters and pinning.

Note! If you want to get a really early and decent harvest, then absolutely all tomatoes need to be tied up and pinned, even standard ones.

Still distinguish semi-determinant tomatoes (this is a kind of intermediate type between indeterminate and determinant). it mid- or late-ripening varieties, in which the height of the stem can reach 2 meters (within 150-200 cm)... Maximum amount flower brushes - 9-12 (however, the plant can limit its growth after 3-4 brushes, therefore they are most often formed into 2 stems), which are formed after 2-3 leaves, starting also after 5-7 leaves.

It is already recommended to grow them (semi-determinant) in greenhouses (in the Central lane, Moscow region), and they, naturally,a garter and pinching is necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, the main advantages of determinant tomatoes are:

  • early maturity;
  • higher initial yields;
  • friendly return of the harvest (at the same time);
  • require less attention and care - shape and pinch the bush is much simpler;

By the way! Sometimes it is written on the packs with seeds that the variety does not require pinching and garter, but it is better to do this anyway.

  • often do not have time to get sick late blight;
  • ideal for outdoor cultivation;
  • can be grown in cold regions with short summers (eg northern).

By the way! Low-growing (superdeterminate) tomatoes can be grown at home: on a windowsill or balcony.


  • the total yield is significantly lower than that of the indeterminate;
  • simultaneous yield of the crop, while indeterminate fruits bear for a long time (which is ideal for gradual fresh consumption)
  • it is believed that they are less tasty, but this is controversial;

Perfect for whole fruit canning.

Video: indeterminate and determinant tomato varieties - their differences

Agrotechnology for growing determinant tomatoes

Any tomatoes love dry and hot weather (up to + 30-35 degrees). In such conditions, they almost do not get sick (this is especially true phytophthora) and grow well. Naturally, you need to water only with warm water and it is necessary to water it at the root.

By the way! On our website you can find detailed articles on growing and caring for tomatoes:

The only thing that makes the most significant difference when caring for determinant tomatoes is their shaping, and it is slightly different for conventional and superdeterminant varieties:

  • schemes for the formation of determinant tomatoes (as a rule, outdoors in 1 stem, maximum - 2, and in the greenhouse - 3 stems, sometimes even in 4):

  • schemes for the formation of superdeterminant tomatoes:

Note! More details on the formation of tomatoes (determinant and indeterminate) read in this site material.

The best varieties of determinant tomatoes: top 35

Note! The list of the best determinant tomatoes was prepared based on the degree of popularity of the names of varieties and hybrids, an analysis of the reviews of experienced gardeners, as well as the personal opinion of the author.

The best varieties of determinant tomatoes (alphabetically):


  • Medium early variety (100-110 days).
  • First of all, lovers of large and fleshy tomatoes will like it.
  • The variety is determinate, relatively short, plant height is about 80 cm. Tied in 1-2 leaves.
  • For cultivation both indoors and outdoors.
  • The fruits are reniform, glossy red, fleshy. The number of nests is more than 6.
  • Weight - 500 g (average), some up to 800 g.
  • Productivity - up to 9 kg per sq.m.
  • Great taste. Ideal for fresh consumption and for preparing salads.

Balcony miracle

  • Early ripening variety. Begins to bear fruit 100 days after germination (according to other sources, after 90).
  • The plant is determinate, standard, 30-40 cm high. No garter or pinching is required.
  • For growing outdoors, as well as on a windowsill or balcony.
  • The fruits are round, smooth, red. They look like cherries.
  • Weight - about 15 grams (according to other sources - 20-30 grams).
  • Productivity - 4-5 kg ​​per square meter (according to other sources - 3.5-4.5 kg).
  • Excellent sweet taste and aroma. For fresh consumption and canning.
  • Resistant to late blight.

By the way! There is a similar variety with lemon yellow fruits.

White filling 241

  • Early ripening variety. From germination to maturation - 90-100 days in the open field, 80-90 - indoors.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, medium-leafy, up to 50 cm high (usually 30-40 cm), does not require pinching and garter. The first inflorescence is laid over the 6th leaf. There are 4-6 fruits in a bunch.
  • Fruits are round-flat, smooth, slightly ribbed, red. The number of nests is 5-12.
  • Weight - 80-130 grams.
  • Productivity - 5-8 kg per square meter (according to other sources, 3.8-9 kg).
  • For fresh consumption and preparation of salads.
  • Resistant to cracking, cold-resistant. Moderately susceptible to macrosporiosis, susceptible to late blight.

Blagovest F1

  • Early ripe hybrid (101-105 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is determinate (semi-determinate), medium-sized (150-180 cm), medium-branched, medium-leafy. Form into 1-2 stems. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones after 1-2 leaves.
  • recommended for glass and plastic greenhouses.
  • The fruit is round, slightly ribbed, glossy, red. The number of sockets is 2-3.
  • Weight - 100-110 grams.
  • Productivity - 5.0-5.5 kg per plant.
  • Excellent taste. Universal. Perfect for fresh salads and whole fruit preserves.
  • Resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, fusarium.

Brawler yellow

  • Mid-season variety. Begins fruiting 110-115 days after germination.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, strong, about 50 cm high.
  • For open ground.
  • Fruits are cylindrical, even, smooth, dense.
  • Weight - 60-120 grams (up to 150 grams).
  • Productivity - 2-5 kg ​​per sq.m.
  • The taste is pleasant (good or excellent), sweet with sourness.
  • Mainly for fresh consumption, but also suitable for salting.
  • Tolerant to adverse weather conditions. The fruits ripen well and are well stored.

Brawler is sometimes called "The Fighter".


  • Mid-season variety. Enters fruiting in 103-117 days after germination.
  • The plant is determinate, 50-60 cm high. The inflorescence is complex. The first inflorescence is laid above 7-8 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For open ground and temporary cover films.
  • The fruit is heart-shaped, medium-silvery, crimson. Number of nests 4 or more.
  • Weight - 130-250 grams.
  • Productivity - 8 kg per sq.m.
  • Fruits of good or excellent taste, juicy, sugary. Salad destination.

The second name of the variety is "Budenovka".

Verlioka F1

  • An early ripe hybrid, 101-105 days from germination to fruiting.
  • The plant is determinate (semi-determinant), medium-sized (1.0-1.5 m). It is formed into one stem by transferring the growth point to the lateral shoot ("stepson") under the third inflorescence.
  • Recommended for film and glazed greenhouses.
  • Fruits are round, red, collected in clusters up to 10 pcs.
  • Weight - 80-90 g.
  • Productivity - 4.5-5.0 kg per plant.
  • Delicious, juicy, aromatic. Perfect for fresh salads and whole-fruit canning.
  • Resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, fusarium.

Gives a full harvest even with insufficient light and high humidity.


  • Early ripe variety, 100-105 days from germination to fruiting (according to other sources, after 93-100 days).
  • The plant is determinate, undersized, 45-60 cm high. Does not require pinching or moderate pinching.
  • For growing in open ground and with film shelters.Recommended for areas of unstable farming.
  • The fruit is round, slightly ribbed, of medium density, red. The number of nests is more than 6.
  • Weight - 100-150 g, the first - up to 250 g.
  • Productivity - up to 2.5-3 kg per plant (or 4.1 kg per square meter).
  • The taste is good, aromatic.
  • Universal purpose: for fresh consumption and conservation.
  • Tolerant to adverse weather conditions. Cold resistant. Drought tolerant... Resistant to top and root rot.


  • An early maturing variety, the period from germination to ripening is 98-100 days (according to other sources, 91-116 days).
  • The plant is determinate, semi-spreading, slightly branched and medium-leafy, 45-50 cm high, does not require garters and shaping. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • Recommended for growing in open field and film shelters.
  • The fruits are round, smooth. The number of sockets is 2-3.
  • Weight - 30-60 g.
  • Excellent taste: fruitful sweet, juicy. Designed for fresh consumption, whole-fruit canning, juicing and tomato paste.
  • Productivity - 5-6 kg per sq.m.
  • Medium susceptible to late blight of vegetative mass, resistant to macrosporiosis. Resistant to adverse weather conditions. The fruits do not crack, they are stored up to 50 days after harvest.

Summer resident

The characteristics of the variety in the company "Poisk" and "Sedek" are different (the characteristics of "Sedek" are given in brackets).

  • Early maturing variety. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 95-115 days (according to other sources, 95-100 days).
  • The plant is determinate, semi-spreading, medium-branched, medium-leafy. Height - 40-55 cm (according to other sources, 50-60 cm). There are 4 to 6 fruits in a cluster.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Fruits are flat-rounded, smooth, slightly ribbed, red. The number of nests (chambers) is more than 4.
  • Weight - 60-100 g (according to other sources, 130-180 grams).
  • Productivity - 2.5-3.5 kg per sq. meters (according to other sources - 4.8-5.6 kg per square meter).
  • Good or excellent taste.
  • Universal purpose. Recommended for fresh consumption, canning and processing into tomato products (tomato juice).
  • Resistant to cold temperatures and fruit cracking, fusarium and apical rot.

Can be grown using a seedless method.


  • Mid-season variety. Comes into fruiting after 100-110 days from mass shoots.
  • The plant is determinate, standard erect, weakly branched, medium-leafy, 60-65 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For outdoor cultivation. Suitable for Siberia.
  • Fruits are rounded, bright pink, fleshy. The number of nests is more than 4.
  • Weight - 80-120 g,
  • Outdoor yield is high - 4-5 kg ​​per sq. m.
  • Taste good and excellent, pleasant aroma.
  • Designed for fresh consumption.
  • Fruits are perfectly tied with sharp temperature fluctuations, they are well ripened.

Note! With uneven moisture, the fruits crack, with a lack of moisture, they are affected by apical rot.

Gina TST

  • Mid-season variety. Ripens 100-117 days after germination (according to other sources - after 110-115 days).
  • The plant is determinate, medium-branched, 35-60 cm high. Does not require pinching.
  • Requires garter and shaping.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is round, slightly ribbed, bright red. The number of nests (chambers) is 6 or more.
  • Weight - 200-350 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 10 kg per square meter.
  • The taste is excellent (harmonious). Universal purpose: for fresh consumption and for processing (salting, tomato juice).
  • Resistant to cracking, verticillium and fusarium.

Long-term fruiting (until frost).


  • Ultra early ripening variety. 85-105 days from germination to fruit ripening.
  • The plant is determinate, compact, slightly branched and medium-leaved, 40-60 cm high. Does not require pinching and garter. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For open ground.
  • The fruit is round, smooth, very dense, red. The number of slots is 3-6.
  • Weight - 50-110 g.
  • Productivity - up to 5.5 kg per sq.m.
  • Fleshy, has a pleasant (good) sweet and sour taste. Universal purpose.
  • Resistant to late blight. Cold hardy - suitable for growing in northern regions and in areas located in open, blown places).

Golden heart

  • Ultra-early ripening variety (fruit ripening 80-85 days after full germination).

  • The plant is determinate, strong bush, 30-40 cm high. Brush with 5-7 fruits. Requires moderate pinching.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is heart-shaped, slightly ribbed, orange. The number of nests is more than 4.
  • Weight - 100-130 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 7 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste. With a high content of beta-carotene.
  • Universal purpose: for fresh consumption and processing.
  • Resistant to major diseases of culture.

Caspar F1

  • Early ripe hybrid (93-95 days).
  • The plant is determinate, 45-55 cm high. It requires moderate pinching.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Fruits are elongated, pepper-shaped-cylindrical with a "spout", red, with a dense, well-separated peel.
  • Weighing 120-140 g.
  • Productivity - up to 9-10 kg per sq.m.
  • Great taste. Can be used both for salad and for processing.Recommended for canning, especially in its own juice and pickling. When canning, the fruits retain a high density (you can cut them into slices!).
  • Resistant to verticillium and fusarium wilting, as well as cracking. Possesses good keeping quality and transportability.

Katya F1

  • Ultra early hybrid. From germination to the beginning of ripening 80-85 days (according to other sources 75-80 days).
  • The plant is determinate, with a height of 40-120 cm. Formation of 2-3 stems is required. The first inflorescence is laid above 5-6 leaves. The inflorescence is simple with 7-8 fruits.
  • The fruit is round and flat-round, smooth, firm, red, without a green spot at the stalk. Number of nests (cameras -) 3-4.
  • Weight - 110-130 grams.
  • Productivity in the open field - 8-10.5 kg per sq.m, in protected - 12.5-15 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste. Universal use: for fresh consumption and salting.
  • Resistant to cracking, top rot of fruits, tolerant to tomato mosaic virus, Alternaria and late blight.

By the way! There is also a similar hybrid “Pink Katya«.


  • Medium early grade. From germination to fruiting - 100-105 days.
  • Standard bush, stable, undersized, up to 50 cm high, does not require pinching.
  • For open ground.
  • The fruits are red and round.
  • Weight - up to 150 g.
  • Fruits are universal, tasty both fresh and canned.
  • The crop is hidden under the leaves at the back of the bush.

Super Cluff

  • Medium early grade. From germination to fruiting - 100-105 days.
  • Standard bush, stable, undersized, up to 30-40 cm high, does not require pinching (formation).
  • For open ground.
  • Fruits are pink, rounded.
  • Weight - 150-250 g.
  • Productivity - up to 10 kg per sq.m.
  • Fruits are universal, tasty both fresh and canned.
  • The crop is hidden under the leaves at the back of the bush.

Little Red Riding Hood

  • An early ripe cherry variety. From germination to the beginning of fruiting - 85-90 days.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, 40-60 cm high. Does not require formation.
  • Recommended for open ground, plastic greenhouses, balconies and window sills.
  • The fruit is round, smooth, red. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Productivity - 2-3 kg per sq. meters.
  • Weight - 15-20 grams.
  • The taste is excellent, sweet, juicy. Suitable for salads and whole fruit canning.
  • Resistant to verticillium, fusarium wilting, tobacco mosaic virus.


  • Early variety (95-100 days).
  • The plant is determinate, undersized, 40-50 tall. Sonnets up to the 1st hand. The main stem is edged at a height of about 0.5 m, a bountiful harvest of fruits is formed on a large number of lateral stepsons.
  • For growing in the open field and under film shelters.
  • The fruit is heart-shaped, of medium density, medium-silvery,red. The number of nests is more than 6.
  • Weight - an average of 300 g, the first - up to 600 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 4 kg per plant.
  • The taste is excellent (delicate sugary pulp). Salad destination.

Lyubasha F1

  • Ultra early hybrid. From germination to collection of the first fruits 80-85 days.
  • The plant is determinate, 60-70 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid above 5-6 leaves. Formation of 2-4 stems is required (3-4 is optimal).
  • For open and closed ground (greenhouses).
  • The fruit is round and flat-round, dense, bright red in color, without a green spot at the stalk. The number of nests (chambers) is 3-4.
  • Weight - 120-140 g.
  • Productivity - up to 20 kg per sq. meters (according to other sources, 9-11.5 kg per square meter in open ground, in protected - 13.5-15 kg per square meter).
  • Excellent taste. Sweet and quite meaty. Universal use: salad, pickling.
  • Resistant to cracking and top rot of fruits, tolerant to tomato mosaic virus, Alternaria and late blight.

Video: ultra early tomato Lyubasha F1


  • Early maturing variety. From germination to fruiting - 94-110 days.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-branched, well leafy, 35-40 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid over 5-6 leaves, the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves. Requires moderate pinching (according to other sources, does not pinch).
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is round, smooth, red.
  • Weight - 65-90 g.
  • Productivity - 6-7 kg per sq.m.
  • The fresh fruit has excellent taste. Ideal for whole fruit canning.
  • Resistant to top rot of fruits, bacterial spotting, macrosporia. Susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus.

Mazarin F1

  • Early hybrid, from germination to fruiting - 95-105 days.
  • The plant is determinate. Medium-sized, powerful, 110-130 cm high. The inflorescence is simple, with 5-6 fruits, the first inflorescence is laid over the 6th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For cultivation in a film greenhouse in the Middle Lane, in the southern regions - in the open field.
  • The fruits are large, red, dense, fleshy, rounded with a spout (heart-shaped). The number of chambers (nests) is 3-4.
  • Weight - 160-200 g.
  • Productivity - 13.5-14.0 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste of tomatoes is excellent.
  • Resistant to TMV and black bacterial spot.

Raspberry Giant

  • Early grade. From germination to the beginning of fruiting - 105-110 days.
  • The plant is determinate, spreading, 70-90 cm high. It requires moderate pinching.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is flat-round, crimson.
  • Weight - 200-400 grams (the first - up to 500-600 g).
  • Productivity - 5.9 kg per sq.m
  • Excellent taste and valuable dietary qualities.
  • For salad purposes: recommended for fresh consumption and preparation of various salads.

Mongolian dwarf

Interesting! If earlier it was possible to purchase seeds only through “second hands”, now they are already selling seeds (“Uralsky Dachnik” and “Russian Garden”).

  • Early maturing variety.
  • The plant does not form a central (upright) stem. 4-5 stems grow from the root collar, which immediately fall on the ground, that is, a creeping bush (about 20-40 cm high), which means that you need to plant seedlings at a sufficient distance, at least 60 cm, and preferably 1 meter. You don't need to tie up and tie, but you can.
  • For outdoor use, but can also be grown in a greenhouse.
  • Weight - 100-200 grams.
  • Productivity - 5-8 kg per bush.
  • The taste is ordinary (tomato, sour). Universal purpose.
  • It is quite resistant to late blight. Begins to be amazed late, only when the cool autumn nights come, and the defeat is relatively weak.

Fruiting until the frost.

Video: proven tomato variety - Mongolian dwarf


  • Early maturing variety. From germination to ripening - 100-105 days (according to other sources, 95-110 days).
  • The plant is determinate, standard, 40-50 cm high (according to other sources, 30-40).
  • For outdoor cultivation.
  • The fruits are round, smooth, fleshy, red.
  • Weight -55-75 g.
  • Productivity - 1.5-4.5 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent, the tomatoes are sweet and juicy. Suitable for fresh consumption, all types of culinary processing and whole fruit preservation.
  • Resistant to unfavorable conditions (sudden temperature changes), fusarium, verticillium wilting, alternaria. The fruit does not crack.


  • Medium early grade. From germination to fruiting - 110-114 days (according to other sources - 114-127 days).
  • The plant is determinate, compact, medium-branched, medium-leafy, 50-85 cm high.
  • The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For growing in open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is oval, smooth and firm, orange-red.
  • Weight - 75-105 grams.
  • Productivity - 5-6 kg per sq. m (according to other sources, 4.2-5.5 kg).
  • Great taste. Universal purpose. Taste qualities of fresh fruits - 4.0-4.6 points, whole-canned - 4.4 points, tomato juice - 4.2 points.
  • Resistant to overripe, mechanical damage, high transportability.
  • Resistant to root-knot nematode.

Note! Despite the fact that one thing is written on the packs, some sources indicate that a mandatory garter, shaping (1-2 stems) and pinching is required.


  • Early ripe variety (97-103 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is determinate, semi-spreading, medium-leafy, 35-40 cm high. Does not require shaping and tying. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones after 1-2 leaves.
  • For growing in the open field and under film shelters.
  • The fruit is flat-round, smooth, orange,
  • Weight - 90-100 g,
  • Productivity - 4.9-6.2 kg per sq.m.
  • Universal use: for fresh consumption, preparation of salads and whole-fruit canning. High in beta-carotene,
  • Resistant to top and root rot.

Petrusha Ogorodnik

  • Medium early variety.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, undersized, 50-60 cm high. Practically does not require pinching.
  • Recommended for growing in open field and film shelters.
  • The fruit is oval-elongated (cylindrical with a pointed apex), smooth, medium density, crimson (pink). The number of nests is 6 or more.
  • Weight - up to 200 g (average 150-180 g).
  • Productivity - 4-6 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are fleshy, sugary, very tasty both fresh and canned.


  • Mid-season variety. 105-110 days from germination to fruiting.
  • Recommended for growing on a windowsill indoors, on a balcony or in the open field.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, compact, 20-35 cm high.
  • The fruit is flat-round, smooth, red. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Weight - 15-20 g.
  • Productivity - 1-1.5 kg per plant.
  • Good or excellent taste. Universal purpose.

Diva F1

  • An early ripe hybrid. From germination to fruiting - 95-105 days (according to other sources, 90-95 days).
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, 90 cm high (according to other sources, up to 120-130 cm). On the bush, 6-8 clusters are formed, 5-7 fruits per cluster.
  • For open and protected ground.
  • Fruits are red, heart-shaped with a “nose”, slightly ribbed, dense. The number of nests is 4-6.
  • Weight - 100 g (up to 120-130 grams).
  • Productivity - 15-18 kg per sq.m.
  • Balanced taste, universal use: recommended for fresh consumption, home cooking, canning and making tomato juice.
  • Resistant to cracking, alternaria, verticillosis, tomato mosaic virus, fusarium.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption, home cooking, canning and processing into tomato products.

Rio grande

  • Mid-season variety. From germination to ripening 125-130 days.
  • The plant is determinate, compact, 60-70 cm high.
  • Fruits are cuboid, dense, red,
  • Weight - 100-110 g (up to 115-140 g).
  • Productivity - 6.0-7.0 kg per sq.m.
  • Good taste. Suitable for salads and canning
  • Resistant to verticillium wilt, fusarium.

Pink honey

  • Mid-season variety. From germination to fruiting - 100-120 days (on average - after 115 days).
  • The plant is determinate, weakly growing, 60-70 cm high, with a high load of heavy fruits. It should be grown in 2-3 stems with a garter.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Fruits are truncated heart-shaped, deep pink in color with a moire tint.
  • Weight - from 400 to 1500 grams.
  • Productivity - more than 6 kg per bush.
  • The taste is excellent. For fresh consumption, home cooking and market sales.


  • Ultra early ripening variety. From germination to harvesting 75-85 days (according to other sources 78-85 days).
  • The plant is determinate, 40-60 cm high, does not pick up.
  • The first inflorescence is laid over the 7th leaf (according to other sources, over the 5-6th leaf), the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For growing in open and closed ground (greenhouse).
  • The fruit is round, slightly ribbed, red. Number of nests (chambers) 3-4.
  • Weight - 80-100 grams in the open field, up to 150 grams in the greenhouse.
  • Productivity - 13-15 kg per sq. m (according to other sources, up to 5-10 kg).
  • The taste is good and excellent. The tomato is sweet, juicy and fleshy.
  • Universal use: for fresh consumption, canning and preparation of tomato juice.
  • Resistant to low light and low temperatures. The fruits are resistant to cracking.

Long-term fruiting (until frost).

Siberian troika

  • Medium early grade.
  • The plant is determinate, with a compact standard type of bush, up to 60 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid above the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - through 1-2 leaves. Virtually no pinching required.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Fruits are red, bright, regular pepper-shaped, large. The number of nests is 3-4.
  • Weight - 80-100 g (up to 200 g). The first fruits are up to 15 cm long, weighing up to 350 g.
  • The taste and sweetness of the fleshy fruits, which do not even require salt when consumed fresh, can be called the "highlight" of this variety.
  • Productivity - up to 5 kg per plant, or an average of 6 kg per square meter.
  • Resistant to many tomato diseases. Heat resistant.


  • Mid-season variety. From germination to fruiting - 110-115 days.
  • The plant is of a determinant type (with limited growth), strongly leafy, slightly branched, medium-sized, 70-100 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid above the 7th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For cultivation in plastic greenhouses and open field with a tie to the stakes.
  • Fruits are flat-round, golden-orange. The number of nests (chambers) is more than 4.
  • Weight - up to 300 g (average - 240 grams).
  • Productivity - up to 2-3 kg per plant or 5.8 kg per sq.m.
  • Very pleasant taste. With tender and sweet pulp, it contains a lot of beta-carotene.
  • The fruits are perfect for making fresh summer salads (for dietary meals).
  • Differs in long-term fruiting.


  • Early maturing variety. From germination to fruit ripening - 82-110 days.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, erect, weakly branched and medium-leafy, 40-45 cm high, does not require pinching and garter. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For open ground.
  • The fruit is oblong-oval (apex with a spout), smooth, red. The number of nests is 2-3.
  • Weight - 50-70 grams.
  • Productivity - 5-8 kg per sq.m.
  • Good taste. Universal purpose.
  • It is relatively resistant to late blight.

Monomakh's hat

  • Mid-season variety.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, 90-130 cm high.
  • For growing in open ground and film shelters (greenhouses).
  • Fruits are oval-rounded, dark crimson in color. Number of nests 4 or more.
  • Weight - 600-900 g or more.
  • Productivity - up to 20 kg per sq.m. in the greenhouse and up to 8 kg in the open field.
  • The fruits are sugary, of very high taste. Used fresh and for canning.
  • Quite highly resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes.
  • It tolerates temperature fluctuations well.
  • With waterlogged soil, the fruits are prone to cracking.

Yamal 200

  • Super early ripening variety (83-98 days).
  • For open ground and film shelters. Suitable for seedless cultivation in northern regions and areas of risky farming.
  • The plant is indeterminate, standard, 25-35 cm high. As a rule, it does not require garter and pinching, but stepchildren must be removed to obtain a super early harvest.
  • The fruit is round (flat-round), slightly ribbed, red.
  • Weight - 65-105 grams (maximum up to 180-200 grams).
  • Productivity - up to 9-12 kg per square meter (indoor) or up to 3-3.5 kg per plant.
  • Good taste. Universal purpose: fresh consumption and canning.
  • Resistant to stress (low temperatures), insufficient illumination, "gives off" the yield until late blight appears. Resistant to top and root rot.

Other popular determinant varieties

Of course, the list of deterministic tomatoes is not limited only to the above-described varieties, they are slightly less popular, but they are quite proven and reliable (alphabetically):

  • Agatha;
  • Alaska;
  • Andromeda F1;

And also "Pink Andromeda F1".

  • Ballerina;
  • Bonsai;
  • Betta;
  • Bettalux;
  • Boni-MM;
  • Visibly invisible;
  • Grushovka;
  • Children's sweetness;
  • Dina;
  • Kibitz;
  • Idol;
  • La-la-fa;
  • Nastenka;
  • Nikola;
  • Eagle heart;
  • Pink cheeks;
  • Siberian early ripening;
  • Stellate sturgeon;
  • Bullfinches;
  • Heavyweight of Siberia;
  • Duckling.

There are many varieties of determinate tomatoes, and they are all good in their own way. You just need to choose the right ones that are most suitable for the conditions of your greenhouse and / or garden plot. In doing so, pay particular attention to the stability of yields, ripening times, palatability, appearance and disease resistance.

Video: determinant and indeterminate varieties of tomatoes

  1. Stepan :

    What are YOU GOOD MEN! THANK YOU!!! Very useful and extremely IMPORTANT information about tomatoes on the blog. I read and re-read it “into a boggle”, in contrast to the garbage of incompetent mass of articles from vegetable and garden “Ignorant! "My respect and deep bow to you" Stepan Kuzmenko. Odessa.

  2. Igor Alexandrovich :

    Maybe in the search you can divide tomato varieties into determinant and indeterminate? It would be easier to find the right variety!

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Good day! Ummm, the question is not entirely clear ... This is an article about determinant varieties, there is a separate one - about indeterminate -

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