Ornamental flowering perennial shrubs for the garden

Already in early spring, we direct all our brain energy to planning a summer cottage, picking up ornamental shrubs that should bloom and delight us with their aroma throughout the summer. This is understandable, because the time for flowers is coming, and, finally, there is such a rare opportunity to create your own happiness in a separate corner of the earth.

Next, your attention will be presented a selection (names and photos) of the most decorative and beautiful perennial flowering shrubs for the garden and vegetable garden.

Features of perennial ornamental flowering shrubs and their use in landscape design

Most gardeners plant ornamental shrubs for the purpose of zoning the site and creating a hedge. And if they also bloom beautifully all summer, then such perennial plants will simply be a decoration of the garden.

When choosing such flowering perennials, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Frost resistance and, accordingly,need for shelter bush for the winter.
  • The degree of care required. Of course, the best option is an unpretentious perennial, which, as a rule, a flowering shrub is. But most of these plants, at a minimum, require periodic pruning of the crown, removal of peduncles, watering and fertilizing.
  • The composition and type of soil required for planting (although you can always additionally fill the planting hole with the required soil mixture).
  • The size of the bush, its height and volume of leaf mass. The perennial should fit well into its designated place on the site.
  • The timing and duration of flowering. It is ideal to plant flowers and shrubs in the garden that will bloom throughout the summer season.

The most popular perennial flowering shrubs for summer cottages


This is the most-most popular early-flowering perennial shrub, the peak flowering of which usually occurs in May, and in early June it already completely fades. Nicely scented flowers, depending on the variety, can be simple, double and super double. Height - from 1.5 to 2 meters.

Important! More details about growing lilacs at your summer cottage read in this material.


Incomparable with any other spring shrub, whose original flowers-stars will surely win your heart. As a rule, it is comparable in size to lilac (1.5-2 meters).

Important! Some forsythia varieties are not particularly frost-resistant, so they should be covered for the winter.

Chubushnik (garden jasmine)

In almost every garden you can find wonderful jasmine (mock orange), which is not only beautiful, but also has a unique aroma. Sizes can vary greatly, anywhere from 1 meter to 4 meters.

By the way! How to plant and care for garden jasmine (chubushnik) read in detail in this material.

Henomeles (Japanese quince)

In addition to beautiful flowering, this bizarre perennial shrub also bears fruit closer to the beginning of autumn. The height of the bush is from 50 to 80 centimeters.


Possesses extraordinary beauty flowers, which appear in late April and early May. The bush itself reaches a fairly large size from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

Important! Some varieties of rhododendron require shelter. Read more about planting a plant can here, about the autumn preparation of the bush for winterhere.

Scumpia (Wig tree)

Anyone who walks past this shrub during its flowering period will definitely stop and be simply amazed at the incredibly exotic beauty of its flowers and leaves. Height - from 1.5 to 3 m.

Important! For the winter, the skumpia must be covered without fail.

Wisteria (Wisteria)

It blooms in late spring, while it can retain rare flowering purple clusters throughout the summer.

It is worth making a reservationthat this very fragrant plant is more related to climbing vines than typical shrubs.

Important! The plant is thermophilic, in the southern regions it blooms much more abundantly than in the northern latitudes, it definitely requires shelter for the winter.

Tree peony

It still has the same exquisite beauty of its herbaceous variety only in bush form, and its spring May bloom, as a rule, begins a couple of weeks earlier. The sizes of the bush are the most standard - from 1.5 to 2 m.

Note! The site has two detailed articles about growing and caring for peonies: at planting in spring andin the fall.


Delicate camellia flowers in the shape of buds are very reminiscent of roses. As a rule, a magnificent shrub reaches about 2 meters in length.

For the winter in cold regions, it requires a sufficient warm shelter.

Colquition is pleasant (lovely)

A wonderful decorative flowering and deciduous perennial shrub. Its luxurious bloom occurs in late spring and early summer, blooming with touching pink bells. The height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Luiseania (bean, garden almond, terry plum)

A very elegant ornamental spring flowering shrub.Depending on the variety, it can be a 1.5 meter bush or a 4 meter tree.

Cercis Canadian

Initially, this is a tree, but most often, if cercis is not grown at home, it has the shape of a bush. Gorgeous flowering begins in mid-spring and continues until early summer, so to speak, until the foliage appears.

There is also a European version of it, but it is cercisCanadian the most unpretentious and cold-resistant.

By the way! Many of these ornamental perennial shrubs are capable of blooming all summer long, we'll talk about them further.

Perennial ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer


In plain text, we can say that this bright plant picks up the spring flowering from previous shrubs and rightfully occupies one of the most honorable places in the gardens of many summer residents. It is represented by a huge number of varieties, which not only have different flowers, but also the color of the leaves. The height of the bush can be from 1-2 m. It is believed that weigela is mostly a spring flower, but it can bloom and bloom throughout the summer (it blooms again in August).

By the way! About planting and growing weigela you can read here, about leaving and preparing for winter - here.

Spirea (Tavolga)

There are a lot of varieties and varieties of this catchy perennial shrub: there are spring-flowering spireas, and there are summer-flowering ones. The colors and shapes of flowers can also be completely different. The size of the shrub is different: miniature 50-60 centimeters and up to 2 meters in height. Perfect for creating a hedge.

Cinquefoil (Kuril tea)

This spectacular and beloved perennial shrub blooms throughout the summer (May through September). The height of the bush is from 50 to 100 centimeters. This plant is not only beautifully flowering, but also useful (you can brew tea from its leaves). Also suitable for hedging.


What could be more beautiful than summer hydrangea bloom? The start of flowering occurs at the beginning of summer, the finale is in late autumn, and the dry hydrangea also looks incredibly beautiful. The sizes of perennials can vary greatly and depend on the species: from tiny 50-70 centimeter bushes and up to 1.5 meter trees.

Advice! If yourhydrangea does not bloom, then perhaps your problem is described in this material.

By the way! All about planting hydrangeas in the open ground in spring you'll find in this article, and in autumn - in this material, about how to do it right trim in springhere, and in autumnhere, about shelter for the winterby this link, but about general autumn preparation for winterhere.

Buddleya (summer lilac)

Buddleya is very similar to lilacs, not only with brushes, but also with a magical scent. Can grow up to 1.5 meters. Typically used in flower gardens in the background.

Important! Detailed material cultivation (planting and care), as well as reproduction of buddley.

Oleander ordinary

The shrub not only has an irresistibly beautiful appearance, but is also considered very beneficial: it draws out literally all harmful toxins from the air. In height, this perennial can reach 2 meters, but you can hardly afford to keep such a huge plant at home.

Caution! This shrub is poisonous.

Note! Unfortunately, this thermophilic (exclusively southern) shrub mercilessly freezes out in winter. At the same time, a shelter does not even help him, so for the winter it should be brought into the room, so to speak, used as a tub culture.

the Rose

Rose, as everyone has known for a long time, is the queen of the garden.

Rose bushes can be made into a first-class and virtually impenetrable hedge.

Note! You can find details about planting rosesin the spring andin the fall, and spring and autumn pruning, hideouts and autumn preparation of roses for winter on our website.

Video: ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer

If you are for the variety of flowers and smells in your summer cottage, use our selection of the most beautiful perennial shrubs, and your garden will definitely sparkle with new, unforgettably joyful colors and aromas for the entire summer season.

  1. Oksana :

    Is there a flowering shrub called exoderma grandiflora

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      There is only Exochorda large-flowered.

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