What to plant after carrots next year: for which crops is it a good or bad predecessor

Choosing the right pre and post crops will help prevent many growing problems. That is why it is so important to know what kind of garden crops can be planted after carrots, for which they serve as a good or acceptable predecessor, and what is better not to plant at all on the former carrot beds.

Well, let's understand the rules of crop rotation.

Crop rotation rules: why to observe

Worth knowing! Getting a good harvest is influenced not only by correct planting and further care, but also by compliance with the rules of crop rotation and crop rotation in the garden area.

The fact is that each cultivated plant grown in the garden requires certain nutrients contained in the soil for growth and development.Therefore, if a particular plant is grown in the same place for several seasons, it depletes the soil, while taking away not all macro- and microelements from it, but only those that it requires.

Also, each specific plant can only be attacked by certain pathogenic microorganisms (diseases) and pests that remain to winter and multiply in the same place.

In order to prevent the complete depletion of the soil and its contamination with infections (pathogenic fungi) and harmful insects, it is necessary periodically, most often, annually, to change vegetable and garden (berry) crops in places.

Advice! In any case, about a month before planting carrots, preferably dig up a plotby removing all remnants of previous crops, as well as getting rid of weeds. In addition, you will need, but if necessary, fertilizeI (under digging), and what is very desirable - disinfectspilling the soil with a solution Fitosporin (according to instructions).

It will be just fine if you plant first siderates.

What can be planted after carrots

For the following crops, carrots are an excellent or acceptable precursor, after which you can definitely grow a decent harvest:

Interesting! Ahead of one of the main questions about whether to plant carrots after carrots next year, it should be said that this is quite allowed, although not highly recommended.

Nightshade crops

By the way! It is for nightshade crops that carrots are considered to be absolutely the best predecessor.


Vegetable legumes:

  • lentils.

Fodder legumes:

Typically they are used as siderates.

  • Vika;
  • lupine;
  • sweet clover;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa.

Interesting! Opinions are divided: in some sources legumes are called excellent followers, while in others they are just acceptable.

Cruciferous crops

Note! If for cabbage, carrots are a very good predecessor, then for all other root crops - just permissible.


It would seem that planting root vegetable after root vegetable is not a good idea. But according to the rules of crop rotation, carrots are a perfectly acceptable predecessor for beets (as for radish, radish, turnip, turnip).

The fact is that, first of all, you need to alternate (not plant after each other) cultures from the same family, while beets belong to the amaranth (or haze) family, and carrots belong to the umbrella.

Strawberry (garden strawberry)

Garden strawberries may well qualify for a carrot bed, but at the same time, you need to consider what you will be growing next to it.

Note! About, after which (what crops) it is better to plant strawberries, read in this article.

Onion families

Attention! Some sources say that carrots are a poor precursor for onions and garlic, but, on the other hand, many experienced gardeners are quite successful in growing these crops in former carrot beds. After all, cultures are completely from different families.

  • bulb onions;

By the way! About, how to plant onion sets in spring, read here, before winterhere... And if you want to grow a giant onion, then your choice is planting of the Exibishen variety.

Note! About, how to plant garlic in spring, read here, before winterhere.

What crops should not be planted after carrots

Unsuccessful followers, for whom carrots are clearly not the best predecessor, are the following crops:

Umbrella (worst followers)

The point is that they are all are representatives of the umbrella family, which means are affected by the same diseases, besides they have common pests.

Pumpkin and melons (acceptable but undesirable)

However, the problem here is precisely that pumpkin seeds like very fertile soil, and carrots deplete it quite strongly. Although, if you fertilize it abundantly, then planting, in principle, is allowed. What is very valuable - these crops do not have common diseases and pests.

Other herbs and spices

Advice! If you are still going to plant the above crops after carrots, then be sure to disinfect and spill the soil (for umbrella) solution Fitosporin (according to instructions)and also fill in the appropriate fertilizers (for pumpkin seeds).

It will be absolutely wonderful if you plant first siderates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Brief answers to the most popular questions about what to plant after carrots:

  • Can I plant carrot after carrots? - Landing is quite acceptable, but it is advisable to find another place. After planting carrots for 2 years in a row in the same place, you are violating the basic rule of crop rotation.

By the way! ABOUT terms and rules for sowing carrots read in this article.

  • Can I plant cucumbers after carrots? - Not recommended, although allowed. The same goes for other pumpkin and melon crops.
  • Can I plant garlic or onion after carrots?

The question is quite controversial: some sources say that carrots are a poor precursor for onions and garlic, but many experienced gardeners are quite successful in growing these crops in former carrot beds. Moreover, they can be planted nearby.

  • Can I plant cabbage after carrots? - Yes, it is an excellent predecessor for all cruciferous plants.
  • Can I plant tomatoes after carrots? - Yes, you can, like all the other nightshades (potatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis).

Thus, now you know exactly which crops can be planted after carrots, and which ones are better to plant on another (neighboring) bed.

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