What is better to plant in the garden after cucumbers for the next year: a list of good followers

Want to know what is better to plant in the place where cucumbers grew last year?

Indeed, every gardener should know what a crop rotation is, why it is needed and how to organize the alternation of crops in his area. After all, the correct crop rotation will allow you not only to increase the yield of your crop, but also protect you from damage by diseases and pests.

Next, let's talk about which crops can be planted in the garden after cucumbers, and which ones are better to be placed elsewhere.

What vegetable crops can be planted after cucumbers

After cucumbers the next year, you can plant on the same garden bed:

However! After cucumbers, nevertheless it is not very recommended to plant cabbage and celery.

The fact is that although these plants are from different families (they have no common diseases and pests), these crops are very fond of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In other words, if you put cabbage or celery in place of cucumbers next year, then the land will be completely depleted.

By the way! If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then in general, you have no other option but to alternate the beds with tomatoes (or peppers).

What can not be planted after cucumbers

After cucumbers, related crops should not be planted this season, i.e. the pumpkin family, which have common diseases and pests:

Is it possible to plant cucumbers after cucumbers

According to the rules of crop rotation, it is not recommended to grow the same crop in the same place for several seasons in a row. Accordingly, sowing cucumbers where cucumbers also grew before, - the idea is not the best (since this is a clear violation of the rules of crop rotation).

However, if you have no choice, then you need to without fail carefully prepare the bed (preferably more from autumn), and, as an option, you can plant green manure.

Advice! And in the greenhouse, it is advisable to replace the top layer of the earth (about 10 cm).

After which it is better to plant cucumbers

As for the optimal predecessors for the future cucumber garden, then they, respectively, can be all those crops that are recommended to be planted after cucumbers, except for the cucumbers themselves and other plants of the pumpkin family (zucchini, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons, melons). Also very undesirable to plant after cabbage and celery.

Follow the rules of crop rotation and get a rich harvest!

Remember! Brief rules of crop rotation:

  • First of all, you need to alternate cultures from different families;
  • secondly, alternate tops with roots (crops with a deep root system and a superficial root system);
  • thirdly, crops with the same nutrition (consumption of macro- and microelements).

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