Growing buddley from seeds: sowing seedlings and caring for seedlings before planting in the ground

So, of all the methods of reproduction of buddleya, you chose the seed one, although it is no less economical and convenient grow a shrub from a cutting, but finding a seedling is much more difficult and its price can bite.

Well, next we'll talk about how to plant and grow buddlea seedlings from seeds.

Note! Buddleya grows very quickly, so don't think that you will have to wait long after sowing the seeds. In the first year, it can bloom, and next year the bushes will grow quite high at all (they will bloom even more abundantly).

Growing buddley from seeds: terms and rules for planting

When to sow for seedlings

When choosing the time for sowing buddley seeds, you should know that the seedlings become quite suitable for planting about 2.5-3 months after germination, which means that the approximate timing of sowing buddlei for seedlings is this is the second half of February-March... Just in time for May-June, the seedlings will be ready to change their place of residence from temporary to permanent.

Choosing a suitable container and soil

For the initial sowing of seeds for seedlings, you will need small and shallow container, eg, food grade plastic container with lid or a similar rectangular bowl.

Then you will need to dive the grown buddleya seedlings into larger individual containers such as plastic cups or cassettes.

The soil for growing buddleya requires light and loose. It is optimal to purchase a universal peat-based soil, to which add river sand or perlite to make it even looser (if there are no loosening additives in it).

Note! Any soil, even purchased, is recommended in advance disinfect, for example, by steaming in the oven or microwave, so that all pathogenic organisms (pests) and fungi die under the influence of high temperatures. Either (or you can do both) spilling a pink solution of potassium permanganate (not very effective) or Fitosporin.

Seed preparation

The seeds of buddley do not need any preparation, they can be sown dry immediately.

Worth knowing! The seeds are very small, even smaller than those of petunias.

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing buddley seeds for seedlings:

  • Fill the planting container with soil.
  • Moisten the surface abundantly.
  • Try to spread the seeds as evenly as possible over the surface of the soil.

The seeds are very small ("fine dusty"), so you need to sprinkle them directly from the bag. Alternatively, it can be pre-mixed with river sand.

  • Close the lid (if you have a plastic container) or cover with a bag or plastic to create a greenhouse effect (warm and humid).
  • Put in a bright and warm place (temperature + 22-25 degrees).

Think! It is believed that when you sow seeds on the surface of the soil, they need light to germinate, however, this is not entirely true. They will need light immediately after pecking, otherwise small seedlings will immediately stretch out.

How to care for buddlea seedlings after germination

When the first shoots appear (usually after 2-4 weeks), the container should be opened (take shelter) and rearrange for 2-3 days to a cooler place - + 16-18 degrees, then again raise the temperature - up to + 18-20 degrees.

Because the sowing was happening superficially, all root system young seedlings will be outward (naked), so it is recommended slightly sprinkle (can be sand)and then water very gently.

Naturally, do not forget monitor soil moisture, it should not dry out. Water immediately after the top of the soil dries. When the seedlings are very tiny, it is convenient to do this (watering) with a syringe or syringe (enema).

However! In no case should young seedlings be poured, otherwise they will pick up black leg and that's it ...

When the seedlings grow up enough, it will no longer have enough space in the total container and it will have 2-3 pairs (4-6 pcs) of real leaves, it will be necessary to spend picking buddley seedlings into separate containers, for example, in the same cups or cassettes. The picking process is standard: we deepen almost to the cotyledons (for example, similar petunia's pick).

As for the need for feeding buddley seedlings, then:

  • If you use fertile land, which already contains all macro- and microelements and at the same time you see that the seedlings are developing well, then no feeding Not needed.
  • If not, then you can use complex mineral fertilizers (where there are all the main nutrients in approximately equal amounts) such as nitroammofoska, Fertika Lux or Agricola for flowers.

Landing in open ground

It is possible to plant buddleya seedlings in open ground when the ground warms up enough and the night temperature outside rises to + 8-10 degrees.In other words, the approximate time for planting buddley seedlings in open ground is May-June.

The process of planting seedlings is absolutely standard: they chose a suitable place in the garden, made holes in the size of an earthen coma, planted seedlings in it, covered them with soil, compacted and watered.

By the way! About, how to choose a place in the garden for planting seedlings, you can read See this article on planting seedlings and growing buddleya from cuttings.

Garden buddley care (outdoors)

It is not difficult to care for flowering shrubs (water moderately, feed if necessary), since it is quite unpretentious, but there are a couple of important points regarding its autumn care and preparation for winter:

  • if you want it to grow abundantly and bloom, then the buddley should be cut off in the fall;
  • and also the buddlea often freezes out, in other words, the shrubs need a certain shelter for the winter.

In general, it is believed that buddley bushes grown from seeds winter much better than when planted with seedlings.

Note! The site has detailed material about how to properly prepare a buddley for winter - properly cut and cover.

Sow buddlea seeds, grow seedlings, plant them in the ground and enjoy the flowering of this bright bush. Good luck!

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